Surrogate compensation

You will get up to $100,000+ to complete a surrogacy journey

What does surrogate compensation include?

Surrogate compensation breakdown vary across agencies, but basically includes base compensation and other benefits.

Base compensation is normally paid on a monthly basis after heartbeat is detected. Other benefits are paid before and after pregnancy. We intentionally design a compensation package to ensure our surrogates can be significantly compensated before getting pregnant, because we believe that all the efforts are worth to be fairly compensated, rather than heavily dependent on pregnancy outcome.

Base Compensation


CA, NV, OR, AZ with surrogacy friendly insurance


Without surrogacy friendly insurance but living in above states


Other states with surrogacy friendly insurance


Other states without surrogacy friendly insurance

Note: Above surrogate base compensations are only for reference. The compensation number varies case by case. Please consult our intake team for details.

Additional Benefits

Benefits before you are pregnant

  • Sign on bonus (paid after legal clearance) $1,000
  • Embryo Transfer Fee (paid at completion of each embryo transfer) $1,000
  • Injectable Medication Start Fee (paid at start of each cycle) $1,000
  • Monthly Allowance (paid once legally cleared) $300 * months

Benefits after you are pregnant

  • Monthly Allowance (paid once legally cleared) $300 * months
  • Clothing Allowance (Paid after 16 week from embryo transfer) singleton $1,000 twins $1,500
  • Psychological Support Fee (paid in 10 installments after confirmation of pregnancy) $1,500
  • Housekeeping (Estimated) $600
  • Childcare (Estimated) $1,000
  • Lost Wages of Surrogate and Spouse (Estimated, paid if requested by doctor for bed rest) $5,000
  • Travel Expenses for Medical Procedures (Estimated) $4,000
  • Free Social Work Support
  • Free Independent Legal Counsel
  • Surrogacy Friendly Insurance
  • Life Insurance Policy $500,000
  • Free Medical/Financial Billing Assistance

You also receive the below payments should they be needed

  • Multiple Birth (For each additional fetus) $10,000
  • Mock Cycle $500
  • Drop/Cancelled Cycle $500
  • Cerclage $750
  • CVS or Amniocentesis or Invasive Procedures (More if multiple times) $1,000
  • Selective Reduction or Termination $1,000
  • C-section $5,000
  • Hysterectomy $10,000
  • Loss of Ovary and/or Fallopian Tube $5,000
  • Breast Milk Pumping (weekly) $250

How can you know how much you will be compensated

Please contact us to ask for a detailed compensation structure specifically designed for you. Our professional team will go through the compensation details with you line by line, to ensure you understand how much and when you will get your compensation. After you sign with us, we will prepare a Standard Compensation Package for your review and sign off. The Standard Compensation Package will be embedded into the surrogacy agreement to be signed and notarized between you and intended parents.

How and when you will get paid?

All compensation details will be documented in your surrogacy agreement. The compensation is to be paid directly from escrow account which is normally managed by a third-party attorney. We will request intended parents to fund the escrow account to our required amount and always ensure that escrow account has sufficient balance before proceeding to next steps. You will be required to provide your account information to escrow holder so that you will get your compensation safely and timely.

Calculate your compensation

Yes No
Yes No Unsure
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Compensation Image
Item $ When to get / Notes
Base Compensation -- 9 monthly installments following confirmation of fetal heartbeat
Monthly Allowance 4500 Pay after medical clearance
Injectable Medication Start Fee 1000 Paid at start of each cycle
Sign-on Bonus 1000 Paid after legal clearance
Embryo Transfer Fee 1000 Paid at completion of each embryo transfer
Clothing Allowance -- Paid after 16th week from embryo transfer
Psychological Support Fee 1500 10 monthly installments after confirmation of pregnancy
Multiple birth -- 10 monthly installments following 16th week after embryo transfer
C-section -- After delivery
Housekeeping -- Estimated
Childcare -- Estimated
Lost Wages -- Estimated
Travel expenses 4000 Estimated
Life insurance --

Note: Surrogate compensations vary case by case. Above calculation is for reference only. Please contact us to ask for your individualized compensation plan

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